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English-Hindi > overshot water wheel

overshot water wheel meaning in Hindi

overshot water wheel sentence in Hindi

अध्याह्त जल पहिया
overshot    ओवरशॉट
water    जलाशय तालाब पानी
water wheel    पनचक्का जलचाक
wheel    घिरनी चक्कर चक्कर
1.It had an overshot water wheel which was 20 feet in diameter.

2.The pump was driven by an overshot water wheel which was in diameter.

3.The building incorporated a 26 ft, 8m in diameter internal overshot water wheel.

4.Nevertheless, the inclined planes were built with overshot water wheels to supply power.

5.Although the machinery has been removed, the hybrid overshot water wheel has been retained.

6.The building re-opened as a rolling mill being driven by a single overshot water wheel.

7.It is powered by a overshot water wheel.

8.It was powered by an overshot water wheel.

9.It was powered by an overshot water wheel on Winford Brook a tributary of the River Chew.

10.At that time the mill had four millstones and two wooden overshot water wheels with a fall, producing about.

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How to say overshot water wheel in Hindi and what is the meaning of overshot water wheel in Hindi? overshot water wheel Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.